SUPPORT: 0757 774 773

Terms and Conditions


According to the requirements of Law no. 677/2001 regarding the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, as amended and supplemented concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, DDS HOSTING SRL has the obligation to administer in conditions of safety and only for the specified purposes the personal data you provide us about yourself.

This agreement on "Terms and Conditions of Use of Web Hosting Service" establishes the conditions under which any person can visit or access the website or can use in any way the web hosting service or domain registration, and has the value of an agreement concluded between DDS HOSTING SRL (hereinafter referred to as "provider"), in its capacity as owner and administrator of the website and provider of the service, and any person who visits or accesses the website or who wishes to use in any way or actually uses the services (hereinafter referred to as "user or client").

The purpose of collecting data is: providing services according to the current offer, as well as registering web domains in the name of customers and according to orders. Any person has the right to object, free of charge and without any justification, to the processing of their personal data for direct marketing purposes.

According to Law no. 677/2001, you have the right of access, intervention on data, the right not to be subject to an individual decision and the right to address justice. Also, you have the right to oppose the processing of personal data concerning you and to request the deletion of data. To exercise these rights, you can submit a written request, dated and signed to Also, you are recognized the right to address justice. According to Romanian legislation, minors cannot conclude commercial contracts and their personal data are not processed without the consent of their parents.

Failure to accept this agreement or any provision thereof entails the obligation of the respective person to immediately cease accessing the website or using the service in any way, and accessing or visiting the site further, opening an account at or using in any way the service constitutes a full acceptance of the agreement and any provision thereof, including any subsequent modifications that may be made without restrictions by the provider, without any other formality being necessary.

Content Policy

It is prohibited to publish on our servers contents or references (links) to such contents that: (I) violate or prejudice in any way the intellectual property rights of other persons or other rights; (II) have obscene or pornographic content or violence; (III) have defamatory or slanderous content; (IV) have racial or discriminatory content; (V) contain viruses, trojans or similar; (VI) contain pirated software or are aimed at those who pirate software or practice any similar activities. It is also prohibited to host gaming forums and to use our servers exclusively as storage or broadcasting support (e.g., websites with online movies, mp3 downloads, picture downloads, online radios, etc.).

Prohibited Scripts

Scripts for proxy, anonymizer, IRC scripts, top site scripts, online gaming scripts like Counter Strike (excluding flash games), mail bombers, mass mail or any unsecured email sending scripts, torrent trackers, chat rooms that excessively consume resources and WAP chats, PhpShell and similar scripts for executing commands.

Any attempt to harm servers or clients is strictly prohibited. Any activity that affects the proper functioning of the shared hosting server (examples include, but are not limited to: CPU load above normal limits, mass mailing, very frequent and/or long SQL queries) will be considered abuse and will be appreciated as an attempt to harm other colocated clients.

The maximum consumption accepted for sites is 5% CPU, 5% MEM, and 1.5% MYSQL, and processes can consume a maximum of 10% CPU, higher consumptions may be considered server abuses.


Sending unsolicited commercial messages (SPAM) to promote any website using our servers or through third-party servers to promote any website hosted by us will result in the suspension or cancellation of the client's hosting account, without refund. Email lists can be operated provided that individuals subscribe to receive messages and the procedure for unsubscribing from the lists is published in all messages.

Each hosting account is limited so as not to allow the sending of more than 300 emails within a 60-minute interval. This restriction is necessary to protect the quality of the hosting service. Mass emailing consumes massive server resources, which negatively impacts the quality of services received by clients. The first violation of this policy results in the immediate suspension of the hosting account without refund.

Resource Usage

All accounts are monitored to track server resource consumption. If an account uses a very large amount of server resources, we will contact the respective client to discuss this matter.

If an account uses an excessive amount of resources (memory, processor), the account may be suspended or the script disabled without prior notice, to maintain the proper functioning of the server, within 24 hours from the sending of resource consumption notifications.

Customers can request an improvement in the package or a temporary increase in allocated resources. It is the client's responsibility to contact us in time to request an increase in resources to avoid account suspension.

Resource Allocation for each package:

Cloud Start - 100% CPU, 30 simultaneous processes, 1GB RAM

Cloud Basic - 200% CPU, 50 simultaneous processes, 2GB RAM

Cloud Premium - 300% CPU, 80 simultaneous processes, 3GB RAM

Cloud Business - 500% CPU, 120 simultaneous processes, 5GB RAM

WP Start - 200% CPU, 40 simultaneous processes, 2GB RAM

WP Premium - 400% CPU, 80 simultaneous processes, 4GB RAM

WP Business - 600% CPU, 160 simultaneous processes, 8GB RAM

Customer Responsibility

The customer is responsible for updating the contact information in the billing control panel when necessary. We cannot be held responsible for any confusion in communication as a direct result of the client's failure to make necessary updates. The customer is responsible for maintaining the security of usernames, passwords, and other sensitive information.

Limited liability

We cannot be held responsible for damages caused by the temporary unavailability of our servers, whatever the reason for causing it. This provision also includes damages resulting from the deterioration or loss of data. The customer agrees to indemnify and hold us harmless for any claims, damages, including, without limitation, damages caused to third parties, resulting as a consequence of the use of services causing damages to our customer. The user acknowledges and agrees that in any situation where the user requests damages of any kind from the provider, the total amount of damages requested by the user for any reason and that could be paid by the provider cannot in any way exceed the total amount of fees paid by the user to the provider.

Uptime Guarantee

Web hosting services provided by our company guarantee an average uptime of 99.9%. In the event of uptime lower than the guaranteed one, the Provider undertakes, at the request of the Beneficiary, to credit the Beneficiary's account, proportionally from the value of the monthly subscription, as follows: 10% for uptime between 99.9% and 99%, 25% for uptime between 99% and 98%, 50% for uptime between 98% and 95%, 75% for uptime between 95% and 90%, and 100% for uptime below 90%.

The following exceptions apply:

Force majeure situations in which we cannot have any influence, such as: wars, natural disasters, unavailability/interruption of communications, fire, viruses, hackers, malfunctioning of software provided by another source (free scripts, e-commerce software, or online payment processors), floods, earthquakes, embargoes, actions of legal authorities. Scheduled maintenance or critical situations, server upgrades.

File Backup

Backups are made daily for files, email boxes, and databases through the backup solution offered by R1Soft, on external storage. However, we do not guarantee the integrity of backups, and backup server data is stored for a maximum of 7 days.

All customers are required to download their own backups from the control panel, from the Backup option. The Provider is not responsible in any way for the loss of information hosted on servers due to user actions, hacking attacks, or errors in applications not associated with the service. For example, the control panel is not associated with the service and is not provided by the Provider, being developed and offered by

If 30 days of non-payment have passed and the account is deleted from the server, the customer can request the restoration of the site from an older backup. If this is possible, a fee of 25 euros will be charged for this service, only if the site recovery is successfully completed.

Cron Jobs

We do not allow running scripts through cron jobs set at intervals shorter than 30 minutes.

CGI Scripts

CGI scripts can be used by our customers as part of the services offered, but any CGI script specifically designed to negatively affect server performance or network integrity may be stopped without prior notice.

Chat Room

We do not allow the use of Chat Rooms specific to each client on our servers due to the special requirements of these programs.

Installation of Additional Services

If the script you want to use requires the activation of other software programs on the server, is not obligated to install those programs unless it considers that activating them would not negatively affect the stability or security of the server. Any request for an account upgrade (space/traffic/another package) is made by email or support ticket at least 24 hours before the modification. We do not assume any responsibility if an account upgrade is not performed, and the site's traffic or space is exhausted.

Notifications and Announcements

DDS HOSTING SRL reserves the right to send notifications regarding the services offered and offers, as well as announcements from third parties, when these may be beneficial to users.

Payment Terms and Invoicing

The customer agrees to pay the value of our services in advance for the period during which they are provided. Customers must pay the invoice amount in advance at the beginning of each payment period, within 5 working days from the date of issuance of the pro forma invoice.

Customers wishing to close a hosting account or any purchased service must send an email notification at least 30 days before the due date.

Prices displayed in Euro are calculated in RON at the BNR exchange rate on the date of issuance of the pro forma invoice. According to the legislation, all invoices and payments are processed in RON (Romanian Leu).


The promotions active on our website apply only to new orders placed during the promotion period. The same services ordered previously are not part of the current promotions.

Domain Registration Rules

.RO domains are registered annually. The Beneficiary understands that DDS HOSTING SRL only provides domain name reservation intermediation and accepts the terms and conditions imposed by each Registry. The Beneficiary understands that accepting these terms represents a contract between them and the Registry, and the Provider is a third party to this contract.

All .RO domain registrations are subject to the registration rules established by ROTLD and can be read on the Registration Rules and Registration Contract page provided by ROTLD, Annual .ro Domain Registration Rules.

Once the domain expires and becomes available, it is the right of any legal entity or individual to purchase that domain.

Account Suspension for Non-payment of Services

User accounts that have not paid the service fees within 10 days from the issuance of the pro forma invoice by the provider will be suspended until payment confirmation, according to the provisions above. The Provider may reopen closed accounts for non-payment only after the user has fully paid all amounts due.

We guarantee money back in 30 days.

Each of our customers benefits from a 30-day guarantee. If within this period you are not completely satisfied with the quality of the hosting service, you can request a refund of the prepaid amount.

The following services are not included in the 30-day Guarantee: fees for registering domain names (national and/or international), fees paid for dedicated servers, VPS servers, services ordered as a reseller, and any other fees paid for optional/special services (cPanel licenses, Softaculous licenses, etc.) other than those in the standard offer.

If the account cancellation is due to the customer's violation of these terms and conditions, no refund will be issued. The refund guarantee within 14 days of placing the order does not apply and will not be issued if at least 50% of the allocated hosting account data transfer, which is the subject of the refund request, has been used.

Affiliate Program

Through the affiliate program, you earn 25% of the value of hosting packages or VPS servers ordered. The domain registration service is not included in the affiliate program.

How It Works?

Each affiliate will receive a unique referral link in the form of example: When a visitor from your site connects to our site through this unique referral link, our system will automatically record the services ordered by the client. After payment for the services, you will be able to see in your affiliate account the commission of 20% of the value of the ordered services.

Commission payments will be made after a term of 30 days if the minimum amount of 100 RON is reached. In the case of online payments, the commission payment term can be extended up to 60 days to prevent fraud.


We reserve the right to make additions, cancellations, or modifications to the Terms and Conditions, hosting packages, and prices on the site at any time, with notification through the website or customer control panels.

Last modified: 05.09.2018